Compound Verbs

 韓Sir 資深英語教師

在這專欄說過 Compound Nouns(複合名詞)和Compound Adjectives (複合形容詞)的組合和用途,這一回跟大家談Compound Verbs(複合動詞)。



其實,在英語世界內,很多動詞已不是一個字那麼簡單,而是因應時態(tense)、語氣 (mood)及語態(voice)利用組合形式,把單字動詞變成複合動詞。見下例:

1.  They are reading my article.(他們在看我的文章。)

2.  If I were you, I would read more books.(我要是你,我會多看書。)

3. The poems were read aloud by the poet himself.(那詩人親自朗讀那些詩篇。)

句一的"are reading"、句二的"would read"、句三的"were read"都用一個auxiliary verb(助動詞)加一個main verb(主動詞)構成,故稱複合動詞。句一的複合動詞"are reading"在表達現在進行時態(present continuous tense);句二的複合動詞"would read"是虛擬語氣(subjunctive mood)的寫法;而句三的複合動詞"were read"則是常見的被動語氣(passive voice)結構。

所以複合動詞是很普遍的複合字(compound words),大家只不過是見而不知其名稱吧了!不過,複合動詞還有其他不同種類:有的是Preposition+Verb,如oversleep;有的是Adverb+Verb,如download;也有Adjective+Verb,如blacklist;甚至Noun+Verb,如side- track等。

考一考您能否準確組合下列的複合動詞 (每個只用一次):

Preposition/Adverb/Adjective Verb

1. over A. grade

2. under B. freeze

3. up C. haul

4. down D. go

5. white E. wash

6. deep F. root


1C overhaul (徹底檢修) 2D undergo (經歷) 3F uproot (連根拔起) 4A downgrade (降級) 5E whitewash (粉飾) 6B deep-freeze (迅速冷凍)

還有一種複合動詞,是於一句內用不同動詞來描述同一個主詞(subject)的動作,也可稱為 Compound Verbs。看下列例句:

John got up early this morning, freshened himself up, put on his best suit and went out for his first job interview.

句內的"got up"、"freshened up"、"put on"和"went out"都是論述約翰當天早上的行動,合起來可稱為Compound Verbs。有時某些名稱不太重要,最重要的是懂得如何運用得當。

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