最近很多人都聞雞色變,因為禽流感又肆虐起來,人們不斷紛紛談論吃雞是否安全。其實,中國人對「雞」一向都不是有十分的好感,「雞手鴨腳」、「雞毛蒜皮」及「雞犬不寧」等貶義詞,比比皆是。以「雞肋」(chicken's ribs)為例,中國古代社會意指為一些孱弱的人。據說晉朝的劉伶有一次因醉酒觸怒了別人,他更以自身比喻作「雞肋」,並不足以「安尊拳」為由渡過一劫。另外,可以再追溯到三國時期,楊修以「食之則無所得,棄之則可惜」(後漢書.楊修傳)來比喻「雞肋」。
1) Run around like a chicken with its head cut off and run around in circles 陷入一片混亂狀態
e.g. You will never get anything done if you just spend all day running around like a chicken with its head cut off and run around in circles.
2)Chicken out(of something) 臨陣退縮
e.g. She chickened out of the plan at the last minutes.
3) Chicken-hearted 怯懦的,膽小的
e.g. I never try anything too risky as I am chicken-hearted.
4) Chickens come home to roost 自食其果
e.g. You have to chicken come home to roost of your mistakes or bad deeds.
5) For chicken feed 極小額的款項
e.g. He works for chicken feed.
6) No spring chicken 年紀大的人
e.g. The actor is no spring chicken, but he does a pretty job of playing a twenty-year-old man.
從以上的例子可見,雞的角色在西方社會也不相伯仲。但也有一些例外的,「don't count your chickens before they are hatched」,意思是提醒人們要耐心等候所期望的東西出現才作出任何打算。對於一些哲理的問題,遇到難分難解的時候,我們可以說「a chicken and egg situation」(「雞與蛋」的問題)。
究竟吃雞是否安全,我們不必在這裡深究,但對於禽流感這個題目,其實也是「if it ain't chicken, it's feather」,意指人生總有問題存在。
來源 : http://paper.wenweipo.com
1) Run around like a chicken with its head cut off and run around in circles 陷入一片混亂狀態
e.g. You will never get anything done if you just spend all day running around like a chicken with its head cut off and run around in circles.
2)Chicken out(of something) 臨陣退縮
e.g. She chickened out of the plan at the last minutes.
3) Chicken-hearted 怯懦的,膽小的
e.g. I never try anything too risky as I am chicken-hearted.
4) Chickens come home to roost 自食其果
e.g. You have to chicken come home to roost of your mistakes or bad deeds.
5) For chicken feed 極小額的款項
e.g. He works for chicken feed.
6) No spring chicken 年紀大的人
e.g. The actor is no spring chicken, but he does a pretty job of playing a twenty-year-old man.
從以上的例子可見,雞的角色在西方社會也不相伯仲。但也有一些例外的,「don't count your chickens before they are hatched」,意思是提醒人們要耐心等候所期望的東西出現才作出任何打算。對於一些哲理的問題,遇到難分難解的時候,我們可以說「a chicken and egg situation」(「雞與蛋」的問題)。
究竟吃雞是否安全,我們不必在這裡深究,但對於禽流感這個題目,其實也是「if it ain't chicken, it's feather」,意指人生總有問題存在。
Glossary :
Chicken out(of something) 臨陣退縮
Chicken-hearted 怯懦的, 膽小的
Chickens come home to roost 自食其果
For chicken feed 極小額的款項
No spring chicken 年紀大的人
來源 : http://paper.wenweipo.com