
「隧道費」不是tunnel cost而是tunnel toll

前幾天,一個朋友問我將軍澳隧道的tunnel "cost"是多少。這一刻,我意會到他不明白「費用」在英語上的說法,讓我在這文中把不同用語解釋清楚吧。
Fee Fare勿混淆 Cost與支出有關

1. Fee

Fee是最普遍、最常用於表示「費用」的字,例如:學費是tuition fee、申請費是application fee、入場費是admission fee、停車費是parking fee。不同種類的費用都可以被稱為fee。

例:This school charges a small registration fee.(這所學校收一丁點入學註冊費。)

2. Cost


例:The cost of construction materials has escalated rapidly in recent years.(今年以來,建築材料的費用不斷上升。)

3. Fare


例:What is the expected taxi fare from the airport to the city?(從機場到市區的的士費大概是多少?)

開支經費expense 定額服務費toll

4. Expenditure


例:There's a significant increase in the military expenditure last year.(去年的軍事開支顯著上升。)

5. Expense

Expense的用法跟expenditure有點相似,都用來指比較正式及大金額的費用,如一間公司的經費:租金費用rental expenses、利息費interest expenses、人事費用personnel expenses、基礎設施費用(水費,電費,燃氣費等)utilities expenses。

例:The travel expenses are huge in this company.(差旅費是這間公司的巨大開支。)

6. Toll


例:The toll rate of different tunnels in Hong Kong is clearly shown on the government website.(政府網站清楚地顯示了香港不同隧道收費。)

■Prologue序言教育創辦人Tommie、英文科統籌Queena Ling及英文科顧問老師Ellen Lau

來源 : http://paper.wenweipo.com/
